Terms & Conditions


 1.1 Bookings will only be accepted following initial registration and payment made in accordance with price list applicable at the time of booking. Bank Holidays incur additional charges.

1.1.2 An in-home consultation is required for ALL NEW CLIENTS

1.2 Catsclubbrighton will provide a time interval during which visits will occur. If an unforeseen situation arises, the time interval may be adjusted.

1.3 All bookings must be made at least 24hrs before service start date.

1.4 Catsclubbrighton carefully schedules time to serve you and other clients, therefore there are no refunds or credits for early returns or last minute changes to pet care

1.5 In the event that the client is delayed on return, they must inform Catsclubbrighton immediately, and Catsclubbrighton will use it’s best endeavours to make alternative arrangements for continued cover, even when it is unable to continue with care following the assignment end date.

 1.6 The client must notify Catsclubbrighton of their return as soon as possible. Catsclubbrighton will continue visits unless the client confirms they have returned and this service is no longer required. The client will be charged a full visit fee for any unnecessary visits made.



2.1 All bookings cancelled within 48hrs will be payable in full.

2.2 All Xmas/New Year seasonal confirmed bookings made between 15th Dec and 5th Jan are non-refundable



3.1 Catsclubbrighton accepts cash, credit card payment and bank transfers payment

3.2 All payment is due 48hrs before the first date of service, or as per the invoice issued.

3.3 Where payment is not received, in accordance with these terms & conditions of business, the Company reserves the right not to proceed with any previously agreed arrangements.

3.4 In the event the client is delayed on return, additional fees for continued care will be due.



4.1 Catsclubbrighton will not accept to look after aggressive animals.



5.1 Catsclubbrighton highly respects the clients trust with the care of their pet, and having access to the client’s property.

5.2 Catsclubbrighton will utilise it’s skill and knowledge to ensure the standards of care provided to the pets and any property is appropriate.

5.3 Any change in a pet’s routine and circumstances can cause varying degrees of distress and unpredictable or abnormal behaviour, particularly if their owner is on holiday. Pets have no concept or ability to understand their owner’s absence is temporary and they will be coming back. Catsclubbrighton understands this and will offer comfort and reassurance whilst trying, as far as is practically possible to maintain their normal daily routines.

5.4 The client should leave their thermostat settings within a normal comfortable range. Outside of this range, Catsclubbrighton will adjust the thermostat to ensure the health and comfort of the pet.

5.5  During any absence, authority is taken by catsclubbrighton to act as a guardian for any pet(s)   registered. A named vet or any other vet that catsclubbrighton deems it necessary to use, for any reason,   will be used to treat pet(s) in the event of any illness/injury and payment for all vet charges incurred as a result will be met by the client.  It may not be possible for catsclubbrighton to contact clients prior to any treatment being required.

5.6  Catsclubbrighton may take any suitable action to maintain a pet’s good health. Permission is given to transport pets to any vets. In the event of any treatment being required (including surgery or euthanasia), catsclubbrighton will accept and act upon the advice of the vet, and the most up-to-date emergency contact will be contacted.

5.7  If pets become ill or injured, it may not be immediately obvious or easily visible to catsclubbrighton.




6.1 Clients must provide all food and items of equipment necessary for pet care during their time of absence.

6.2 In the event that additional items need to be purchased in the absence of the client — ie. pet food, litter, cleaning supplies or other necessary items that contribute to the health and well being of the pet, Catsclubbrighton will purchase these, retain a receipt and the client is responsible for reimbursement of these items on their return.




7.1 Catsclubbrighton will properly dispose of your pet’s waste. For cat litter trays we do request that you provide all necessary items such as scooper, cat litter and plastic bags and indicate where you would like these waste bags disposed of. The same for any other home based animal.




8.1 Catsclubbrighton will obtain a copy of your house key during the registration consultation. This key will be coded for security and kept securely for your protection.

8.2 It is reccoommended that your keys remain with Catsclubbrighton for convenience for future use of our services.

8.3 If the client supplies a set of keys that do not work (or have dropped off the incorrect set of keys) and a lock smith is called, a charge of £25 will be made for our time. To collect keys from a friend/neighbour due to incorrect keys being supplied in the first instance, a charge of £15 will be made. Catsclubbrighton will always endeavour  to call the emergency contact no. first if there is a problem with keys/locks.

8.4 In the event that Catsclubbrighton is required to employ a locksmith to gain entry into the Client’s property  due to a malfunction of the lock or a failure of the Client to supply the correct key, it shall be the responsibility of the Client to reimburse for all costs incurred.  The Client expressly gives Catsclubbrighton  the authority to employ a locksmith on the Client’s behalf in the event of the aforementioned occurrences.





9.1 Catsclubbrighton will keep the clients house, pet and pet equipment in a clean and tidy state as found, and will only provide services agreed specifically as listed in the agreement.

9.2 Catsclubbrighton will clean up after your pet to the best of it’s ability.

9.3 The client shall make available cleaning materials in the event of any “accidents” within their property.

9.4 Catsclubbrighton is not responsible for carpet/flooring stains created by your pet(s).

9.5 We request you provide plastic bags, cleaning products and bin bags.




10.1 Catsclubbrighton must be informed of any changes to contact no.s, pet routines/needs, emergency contact details or any other relevant information.

10.2 The client shall be solely responsible in ensuring information provided to Catsclubbrighton is current and up-to-date. The client agrees to accept any decision made by Catsclubbrighton in the event of not being able to contact the client as a result of wrong information held. If Catsclubbrighton is subjected to any expenditure as a result of the decision, that expenditure shall be recoverable from the client. Please inform Catsclubbrighton of any errors made with booking so these can be amended.




11.1 Catsclubbrighton will follow instructions to administer medications as directed but cannot be held responsible for complications that arise as a result.

11.2 Under no circumstances will Catsclubbrighton service any pet that has any form of contagious illness.

11.3 Flea and worming treatment must be up-to-date. In the event of a flea or worm infestation, Catsclubbrighton will treat the pet at the client’s expense.




12.1 The client must provide an Emergency Contact who can make a decision relating to the client’s pet or home in an emergency. Catsclubbrighton reserves the right to consult a vet and make decisions in the best interest of the pet and the client’s home, should the Emergency Contact be unavailable.

12.2 In the event of a household emergency the client in the first instance, or the client’s Emergency Contact will be contacted to arrange any remedial work.

12.3 Details of shut-off points for services into the property and home security systems are to be provided with the home information upon booking.




13.1 Catsclubbrighton is Criminal Records Buereau checked for the peace of mind of it’s clients.

13.2 The insurance covers Catsclubbrighton for the services defined within the booking times or periods.

13.3 It shall be the sole responsibility for the client to ensure their property, it’s contents and pets are adequately insured throughout the duration of the scheduled services.

13.4 You are advised to check to ascertain if your insurance provider requires knowledge that someone will have access to your property whilst you are away.

13.5 Catsclubbrighton has no liability for break in / vandalism of property during use of it’s services. The client should ensure all doors and windows are securely locked before leaving.

13.6 Catsclubbrighton needs to be informed at the time of booking of anyone who may have access to the property whilst you are away. This includes cleaning services, maintenance personnel, friends, family and neighbours.

13.7 The client will notify anyone with access to the property that Catsclubbrighton services have commenced.

13.8 Catsclubbrighton shall not be liable for other persons or their actions or omissions, who will be in, or have access to your property before, during or after services have been rendered.



14.1 I agree that catsclubbrighton cannot accept liability for the loss of my cat(s) while they have access to an unlocked catflap.